Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology

The Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology (JMIRO) is RANZCR’s peer reviewed journal. It publishes articles of scientific excellence in clinical radiology and radiation oncology. Manuscripts are judged on the basis of their contribution of original data, ideas or interpretation. All articles are peer reviewed.

Member access

RANZCR members have full access to JMIRO. To read the journal:

Log into JMIRO Online

Or keep an eye out for your hard copy in the post.

Contribute to JMIRO

Information for potential JMIRO contributors, including author guidelines and submission instructions, can be found on the publisher’s website

Advertise in JMIRO

The journal is dedicated to the promotion of radiological practice and research. To advertise in the journal, please download the booking form and email 

Become a reviewer for JMIRO

The College invites Trainees and Fellows to become peer reviewers for submissions to the Journal of Medical Imaging of Radiation Oncology (JMIRO).

Peer review is designed to assess the validity, quality and often the originality of articles for publication. It is the foundation for safeguarding the quality and integrity of scientific research.

The opportunity to review submissions to JMIRO will provide an excellent insight into research in medical imaging and radiation oncology and it will allow you to develop your research skills and knowledge. Becoming a peer reviewer allows you to see research before it is published, and the experience will enhance your CV.

For more information, and how to apply, visit the current opportunities page.